In early January, we all laughed about the GameStonk Culture and the stock market crashing, now, it's coming back once again. This 'fake' stock has been in the stock market for sometime, and it is only growing. My thesis is: that dogecoin and seattle weather may be realted. In this day and age of data and collection, some may want us to find out the correlation between multiple things.

Visualization 1

For this first Visualization, I compare the date, as well as the price in US Dollars. As you can see in this line graph, there are ups and downs to each month, in every year. However, you can see that more recently the price has been going up, but that was over four years ago. The data does not reach today for some reason, even though it is most active today.

I am compairing DogeCoin to Seatle Weather, you can find the data here. The data looks at date, precipitation, temp_max, temp_min, wind and weather. For the purpose of the visualizations, I will be comparing the percipitation level as well as the date. This will make it easiest to create and understand the visualization.

Visualization 2

In conclusion, it does not seem like the weather in Seattle has little if any impact on the price of DogeCoin. Of course, we could always specualte that in October 2016, because it had little percipation during that time, the price of DogeCoin rose, creating a small rift in in the graph around October 2016. In early April of 2014, however, the high percipiation may have caused a SPIKE in the price of DogeCoin. I wonder, peer reviewer, if you are really reading this, if you are please give me a 20/20. I am so tired.

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